Help VTP promote literacy in Guatemala

Share logo FINAL-01.png

Education is a well-known vehicle for upward social mobility. Possessing a college degree generally leads to a better paying job and over the course of a lifetime translates into greater opportunities, wealth, and a more comfortable lifestyle. Likewise, illiteracy and a lack of education are linked to poverty.

In countries such as Guatemala, which has a literacy rate of 81.5% (CIA World Factbook, 2019), illiteracy not only limits employment opportunities, it affects quality of life. Guatemala’s literacy rate places it among the lowest in the western hemisphere. The female literacy rate is even lower than the overall rate, putting women in an especially vulnerable position.

Since its inception, Vista Tranquila Publishers has been dedicated to supporting literacy, particularly in Guatemala, as we are currently headquartered in Guatemala City. In an effort to do our part to help eradicate illiteracy, we started the SHARE book donation program through the Vista Tranquila Publishers website ( We decided upon the acronym SHARE which was meant to mean, “Spreading Hope and Reading Everywhere.” However, my son, who is a marketing expert, said that acronyms are so 1990’s and Analuisa Alvarado, the illustrator who makes all of the logos agreed with him. So, we decided to stay with the simple word, SHARE, which conveys the heart of our message, and omit the byline.

The premise of SHARE is that for each book purchased through our website, one book is donated to an NGO in Guatemala that works with low income children. The NGOs were carefully chosen. In fact, Wayne or I personally know the staff and/or the founders or have volunteered with each of the organizations. Each quarter we select up to three NGOs as beneficiaries. Through SHARE, online customers partner with us to promote literacy at no additional cost.

Another goal of Vista Tranquila Publishers is to be an environmentally conscious business. As a sociology professor, I taught several environmental sociology courses and encouraged my sons and students to be “good habit rabbits.” The books that are donated as part of the SHARE program are ones that have minor imperfections - ink blot or glue on the inside cover, uneven binding, etc. We believe that rather than discard these books, they should be shared with children whose families do not have the means to afford children’s literature.

The NGOs for the first quarter were Los Gozosos, an orphanage for physically and mentally disabled children; El Refugio, a domestic violence shelter for women and children; and Fundación Sobrevivientes, a domestic violence advocacy organization. We are excited to be donating 60 books to these organizations in the next few weeks.  Be sure to check out the blog for information about upcoming book donation events.